New Droid on the Block

A poster has recently been unveiled, and there are rumors of a new trailer coming out today, so the hype surrounding The Force Awakens is stronger than ever. What new things will we (well, regular people who – unlike me – watch the trailer, that is) see? Maybe we’ll see more of that droid everyone has already fallen in love with: BB-8. But why go through all the trouble when DanSto has the perfect LEGO version ready for you?


BB8 mid-size, by DanSto, on Eurobricks


Continuing his series of incredible mid-sized robots, he made this great creation to scale with his C-3PO and R2-D2. I thought it would take a rather long time for someone to come up with a good solution for that tricky ball shape, but don’t underestimate the starved LEGO Star Wars fan! We’ve already seen a number of different solutions in different scales, and it looks like DanSto’s is the best in its scale. It’s ‘perfectly’ round but the numerous studs and edges give it the weathered look we all know and love from the original trilogy. The decorations fit right in as well to give a coherent and pleasing body. The head features quite a lot of SNOT work in a rather small volume, just to make sure everything’s there. Not a single angle or dash of color was glossed over, and DanSto reached deep into his bin of parts to get a part that appeared in a single set 20 years ago. It happens to be the definite part for BB-8’s single eye, and I doubt anyone else would have thought of it. So despite it being rather small, DanSto’s abilities made sure this BB-8 is right up there with his other, amazing droids. Yes, we do have the best family pictures ever available.

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